Quotes About Beliefs

Your life is out-pictured by the sum-total of your subconscious beliefs. Wherever you go, you take these conditions with you.

Belief in limitation is the one and only thing that causes limitation

the basis of all healing is a change in belief.

Quotes From “Ashtavakra Gita”

that joy, supreme joy, and awareness is what you are, so be happy.

Your real nature is as the one perfect, free, and actionless consciousness, the all-pervading witness — unattached to anything, desireless and at peace. It is from illusion that you seem to be involved in samsara.

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The Game of Life and How To Play It
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I believe we are all on a spiritual journey – whether we are aware of it or not. Each spiritual Path is unique, but learning from the experiences of others helps us in the exploration of our true nature.

On my Journey, I found that not only reading spiritual texts can be very helpful, but it is also very important to collect the most profound thoughts to be able to re-read them many times.

I found it very helpful because some of these thoughts are so unusual to us that it takes some time before they really “sink in.” The more we contemplate them, the greater our understanding becomes.

You can find on this website many inspirational spiritual quotes that took me many years to collect. I believe that strong positive thoughts have immense power and can influence our life for the better.

You can find here also important spiritual texts and eBooks for free. You can read these spiritual texts online in the form of a realistic 3D book or download PDF-files.

We’ve also created some inspirational videos with the most profound inspirational quotes and we invite you to join us on our youtube channel and tiktok.

Quotes from “Class lessons of 1888”

There is nothing higher than the attainment of the knowledge of the Self. Despising, rejecting all else, a wise man should strive after the knowledge of his real self.

All that man calls the world, is but the picture of his thought.

Quotes from “High Mysticism”

“The Highest and the Inmost are one”

the True Self, the Son of the Highest is joyous, strong, imperishable

We are all walled into chambers of imagery, taught Ezekiel.

Quotes From “The Gospel Series”

our body is Spirit. Our body is not material substance

The constant thinking of Truth brightens and glorifies the body. Each part of the body illuminates and glistens with Spiritual radiance and beauty. This it does more and more until the whole body is transparent as crystal and shining like the sun.